I'm delighted to let you know that I've been invited to give a seminar at the Institute for Historical Research on Police as Ploughmen, a subject I've been studying for the last 3 years.
The seminar is on 31st May this year and you can find the link here https://www.history.ac.uk/events/police-ploughmen-191718-how-britains-policemen-helped-local-populations-temporary-release
Attendance is either in person or online and is free. Those wishing to attend will need to register on this IHR webpage.
You can see the seminar presentation here: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/Mgw3jIJvGgQ8B3_dlqzuiH_sN3V0u-8aqt5emM7zUGH1TSHYddR3emtevbwdPH6A.pn7UcGgz5k_lSOCq Passcode: +x%kw2aU
Police as Ploughmen in 1917/18: How Britain’s Policemen Helped Local Populations by Temporary Release into Agriculture
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