Police due to retire retained in 1915


In order to prevent the number of regular police from dwindling dramatically, the Police (Emergency Provisions) Act, 1915 prevented the retirement of policemen who were "time-expired"; they had served 25 or 26 years - the ususal time by which policemen could retire. Only those who had a medical certificate declaring them unfit, or had the permission of the Chief Constable, were allowed to retire. Time-expired police were retained until the end of the war. Many were said to agree with this, however, some complaints were heard, especially when they continued to have deductions of pension contributions from their pay when they were already due to receive a full pension. This was raised in the House of Commons in October 1915 and led to the deductions being reduced to a minimal amount.

Further reading
Fraser, M. (2019) Policing the Home Front 1914-1918: The control of the British population at war. Routledge research monograph
Police (Emergency Provisions) Act, 1915 TNA MEPO 2/7205
Daily Debates 26th October 1915 TNA HO 45/24678
Home Office, Whitehall to The Clerk to the Standing Joint Committee, 21st August 1916 TNA MEPO 2/7205

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